Monday, May 16, 2016

Funny Ha Ha?

My life...I find it funny. Sometimes it's funny like "I died laughing." The experience I had last Thursday night driving home one of the contributors from Wendy Nilsen Pollitzer's book Charleston Salt and Iron was HILARIOUS. It's blog worthy in its own right. I offered to take a lady back to the Indigo Inn when her cab never arrived...I offered as a friend. All of a sudden she gets in the back seat of my Volvo (after she and I reminisce about personal drivers and the ease of just having a car sent round) and I chauffeur her home. It was a rather entertaining ride. I have had so much fun telling that story and all its details over and over these past few days.

Sometimes my life is funny like "What the heck is going on?" Today I left school in North Charleston to get to an appointment on John's Island only to realize once arriving that the appointment wasn't's tomorrow. This is the second time this has happened to me recently. I did the same exact thing two weeks ago when I showed up for my potential membership walk through at Mixson. I'm loosing it at the ripe old age of 33.

Other times my life is funny because things happen so "randomly" and at a rapid pace. For a person to be such a planner, I'm learning I can't plan anything anymore, and it's really not necessary anyway. Ok, you know I still plan some things (big some things in the works), but in other areas of life, I have to let go and let God...

So here's what's funny today; it's me reflecting on all that's happened since I moved home. Just check out this roller coaster.

December 18th, boarded a plane in Hong Kong to come knowledge of job, house, relationship

December 22nd, offered a job at Pinehurst Elementary

January 5th, consultant opportunity presented itself and interview took place (offered a spot but don't sign up for training because of cost and soon to be new mortgage)

February 12th, met Chance (the BF)

February 19th, closed on my first house

February 23rd, offered a position as an office manager to start in June

April 11th, began working with Forever Living as a "side job" and way to make global connections

April 24th, approached about a position at the non-profit that I was ORIGINALLY OFFERED BACK IN NOVEMBER (THIS I FIND REALLY FUNNY...the job I didn't want to leave China to take is offered once I come home from China)

April 25th, booked a one way flight to Paris (I only paid $5 for the one way)

May 7th, office manager position fell through

May 12th, consultant opportunity reappeared with a message to please attend training this summer

*May 16th, decided I don't want to work for the non-profit even though I have a mortgage and a trip to France planned and in two weeks I'll be unemployed

Ahem, it's just "hilarious" that I came home 5 months ago with no idea what was happening in my life, figured it out for the time being (got a job, house, and boy), was re-offered the position which originally spurred the whole me moving home thing to start with, and now am looking at 12 days left of school but have no job lined up for after we break for summer.

I was talking to Chance earlier and he said to me, "Maybe God is trying to tell you that you are supposed to be a teacher still." Ok, I hear ya Chance, and I hear ya Lord, but really, we've been through this before. I'm ready for the next step. I will certainly take a teaching position IF offered at the right school for next year, and I won't complain too much about it, but I TRULY, TRULY, TRULY believe I am meant to be consulting and doing something else.

I would have taken the non profit job in a heart beat if they could have paid me more, but for a 40 minute minimum drive each way to and from John's Island and for a salary that would be for a 12 month position AND an $8,000 pay cut, I just can't justify that.

So you may think it's funny, or plain stupid, for me to turn down the opportunity, but I know in my heart that there is something else up God's sleeve. Maybe I will be in the classroom again, but He knows the reasoning and I needn't question. I will continue to have faith. I will continue to follow my heart, and I know that one day I'll look back on all of this and remember how funny and uncertain it all was.

The exciting part for me is trusting and knowing that things are working out according to His plan. There is so much more to this story...big things in the works. Stay tuned.